Friday, 8 September 2006

5-day Week

Since 1st September 2006 Monsieur A has been on a 5-day week work schedule. It is quite a relief for me as well, at least we will get 2 days/week off from work. Unfortunately, tomorrow he has decided he will go to his office - that room on the 5th floor of the CoIT Building of UNITEN. So, I have decided to go shopping with the kids tomorrow (09092006).

Are you wondering why
Monsieur A would want to go to his office tomorrow? You see, enrolled for his Phd in the year .....(quite some time ago, and I've forgotten when!!!). Until this very minute he is still a part-time student doing full-time work. My friends would term it as MAHASITUA (MAHASISWA would be more professional, don't you think so?) So, he needs to hibernate and finish what he is suppose to finish, ie. his research on SVM = Support Vector Machine, Pattern Recognition, etc. Any SVM fans???

Tomorrow my eldest daughter, Arifah, plans to go back to UPM. She has been on a one-week semester break, she will resume class on Sept 11 (ring a bell???) but plan to go back to college tomorrow instead of the normal black Sunday evening. As I am writing this piece, Arifah is not back yet. She has gone to KLIA before Maghrib with Bibah or was it Mimi to send off a friend who will be flying to India (Manipal Medical College) to study medicine.

BTW, all of us in the family were fasting today, including my youngest daughter, Atiqah (10 yrs old). Atiqah, was worried because a few times she forgot that she was fasting and more than once she accidentally drank and also ate chewing-gum. I had to tell her that its OK because it was unintentional and that Allah will not penalize her!


pycnogenol said...

With Mama Chop's continuous, unfailing support and encouragement, I pray that Papa Grill can go for his viva soonest possible.

P/S: Papa prepared to be 'grilled' at the viva. Well, at least we know that food will be ready to be served after the grilling!! BEST OF LUCK!!

Madame A said...

Nothing great about 5-day week job. No regrets...

Papa Grill and I do enjoy grilled fish with 'air asam' especially for breaking of fast in Ramadhan!